The History of White People
In an effort to understand why this world is the way it is it's occasionally necessary, for me at least, to find a new way of looking at human history, by Nell Irvin Painter. The History of White People by historian Nell Irvin Painter has succeeded in giving me a completely different perspective on both the present and the past, not to mention my own variegated background.
For a while now, having delved deeper into the history of European settlement of the Americas and the virtual genocide of the indigenous peoples who lived there I've been struggling to understand just what kind of people could be capable of committing such vast acts of inhumanity across the span of so many centuries. What was it that drove them, enabling them to not only justify their ferocity as necessary, inevitable, even heroic, but also to effectively remove the truth from the forefront of general knowledge and marginalise those who spoke of it? The answer, unpalatable as it may be, comes back at you relentlessly from the pages of this book in clear, unemotional prose and thorough, irrefutable documentation: the white (mostly) Anglo Saxon (mostly) Protestant. Having early on convinced himself of his own racial and evolutionary superiority (although an intellectual structure - a science - wasn't put into place until the 18thcentury) this Nordic superman created the perfect justification for imposing his brand of civilization on "inferior" beings wherever he found them in the world.