September 28, 2011

Internet in the car, is it possible?

As known by all of us, the technology developed in accordance with the increasing demand of convenience and lifestyle that must be met. And that became the point of our discussion this time is the automotive industry.

In the past we both know that, the car is used only as a means of regular transportation. That allows a person change from a certain place to place within a short distance away. In the past, or at least the last hundred years, the car comes with improved design and power. Tailored to the needs and lifestyles adopted by someone.Cars with a sleek, powerful force for sporting purposes to mass transit.

But now, we found that in the end we find the role of the car it replaces. The car now also serves as the home or office for someone else to Work. Drivers will have to find what they need at home then they will find it in his car.

September 27, 2011

Spy And Anti-spy

Even Cold War is over, spy activities remain active nowadays. One of FBI’s jobs is to detect spies among ordinary citizens to secure United States. As a matter of fact, spies are not only related to nations in a broad sense, they also refer to people or activities in our daily lives, like the detectives to follow our spouse in our marriages, the person to steal the company’s financial report or the leak of new technology or product’s information. As a result, people will find ways to fight back. We may call it anti-spy. Today we will mainly focus on spying.

Historical Awareness – Mlk Day

Today is just another day of the week, Monday, January 17, 2011. For most people they are just excited that they get the chance to stay home today from either school or their job. I would even go as far to say that most even care or less why they get this day off and probably even think it is ridiculous that we have this holiday. Today is not just another day of the week, but a national holiday, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. It is also ironic that today is MLK Day, shortly after the tragedy in Arizona.

Military Swords To Handguns – An Evolution On The Battlefield

In addition to Sharon’s and my novels, I write about a great many things. Frequently, I write about swords and about handguns. In the military context, both swords and handguns have utility beyond mere use as a weapon. They have been and still are symbols of leadership. In battle, the officer leading his unit into the fray frequently hasn’t the luxury of carrying a rifle with fixed bayonet. Often, he needs to have a hand free, either for hand and arm signals, or, in some cases in the past, prepping a whistle for command signals.

During the “modern” era of United States horse-mounted cavalry, the handgun would be worn on the right side of the belt, holstered butt forward. This carry method enabled the officer or enlisted man so equipped to “crossdraw” his handgun, with the left hand, or perform a twist or “cavalry” draw, with his right hand. More often, the cavalry draw was what was used. But, when the saber was to be employed, it was drawn from the left side with the right hand and the left hand was used to draw the pistol.

History Of The Trucking Industry

The trucking industry as we know it, began at the turn of the twentieth century with the invention of the motorized truck. Motorized vehicles were competition for the railroad industry and became a major factor in the increase of land transportation of goods throughout the United States. The development of fuel also contributed to the increased use of trucks. As motor technology advanced and improved, there was a natural progression for the construction of paved roads. As a result, there were regulations set by the state and federal government that were to be adhered to when moving freight.

September 26, 2011

The History of White People

The History of White People
In an effort to understand why this world is the way it is it's occasionally necessary, for me at least, to find a new way of looking at human history, by Nell Irvin Painter. The History of White People by historian Nell Irvin Painter has succeeded in giving me a completely different perspective on both the present and the past, not to mention my own variegated background.

For a while now, having delved deeper into the history of European settlement of the Americas and the virtual genocide of the indigenous peoples who lived there I've been struggling to understand just what kind of people could be capable of committing such vast acts of inhumanity across the span of so many centuries. What was it that drove them, enabling them to not only justify their ferocity as necessary, inevitable, even heroic, but also to effectively remove the truth from the forefront of general knowledge and marginalise those who spoke of it? The answer, unpalatable as it may be, comes back at you relentlessly from the pages of this book in clear, unemotional prose and thorough, irrefutable documentation: the white (mostly) Anglo Saxon (mostly) Protestant. Having early on convinced himself of his own racial and evolutionary superiority (although an intellectual structure - a science - wasn't put into place until the 18thcentury) this Nordic superman created the perfect justification for imposing his brand of civilization on "inferior" beings wherever he found them in the world.

History of Educational Technology

There is no written evidence which can tell us exactly who has coined the phrase educational technology. Different educationists, scientists and philosophers at different time intervals have put forwarded different definitions of Educational Technology. Educational technology is a multifaceted and integrated process involving people, procedure, ideas, devices, and organization, where technology from different fields of science is borrowed as per the need and requirement of education for implementing, evaluating, and managing solutions to those problems involved in all aspects of human learning.

September 25, 2011

E-book Readers And E-ink: Their Past, Present And Future

E-Ink is not an ink as such, but a form of encapsulation used in eBook Readers. Ink has been used for thousands of years, and the principle of ink upon paper to convey thoughts, ideas and messages is a sound one. Paper is easy to carry around, and does not require a power source, but it also has limitations. It is finite, and has to be replaced when used, and what is written cannot be updated. It can be scored out or added to, but not updated.

Over The Past Few Years HDTV Is A Common Household Term

High definition has taken over the TV world over the past few years. What used to be far too high-priced for the majority of people has become the standard way to watch TV over the past few years.

The technology has become much more economical and has actually become better as it has become cheaper. Like most technology, as the technology has become more popular and more and more people have bought into it, it becomes less and less expensive. Although now, there's a new technology that is staring people in the face and beginning to make its way into more and more homes. Obviously, the technology which is being pushed is 3D.

Is Fm Radio A Thing Of The Past?

There is a lot of talk about HD, DAB, as well as satellite and podcasts in listening technology today. With all of the advancements in listening, many people wonder if FM radio will be a thing of the past. The transition to digital from analog broadcasting for television has many people wondering if the transition will occur for listening devices as well.

The Past Guides The Future Of Battery

The history of the lead acid battery, from the early pioneering days of Sinstede and Planté in the 1850s, to the simple arrangement of lead and sulphuric acid that has provided the power source for the entire world can be termed only as extraordinary.

Architectural And Interior Design Photography - The past And Present cost Of Technology

Photography in the 21st Century has changed significantly from what it was only ten years ago. In the past, an architectural photographer would have a significant but one-time investment in cameras and lenses. We would be faced with ongoing expenses for film, film processing and Polaroid test film that would apply to each photograph created. At the end of the chemical era, it was not surprising for these consumable expenses to exceed $100.00 per photograph and they would constitute 25% to 50% of the cost of photographing a project. If in a day's shoot an architectural photographer would shoot five interior images and two exterior images, at the end of the day the bill to client would be in the range of $2000.00.

Bottecchia Cycle Technology: A Glimpse Of The Past And Today

Being a pioneer in the bike and cycle trade industry, Bottecchia has developed ground breaking technology molded to both of its racing and transport model bikes. Bottecchia cycles are not only classy pieces of kit but also well designed with very good equipment at a very reasonable price. The technology behind every bike is taken from the concept of revolutionary practices with the rider and his/her environment in mind. Thanks to its know-how, combining tradition and advanced technology, the company's purpose is to be also in the new millennium a point of reference for the cycling sector.

Warrior Culture Of History

Before the dawn of civilization and the advent of technology, war was a small-scale affair, with evidence dating back some 12,000 years. But researchers say most societies throughout history fought constantly for various reasons. Some psychologists say humans are inherently violent, and warfare creates an outlet for their aggression. Others say most general populace are reluctant to go to war, and that it is their leaders with a need for power who cause wars. Theories abound as to the reasons of going to war, but the fact is that warrior cultures have existed in many ancient societies around the world.

A Brief Military History Lesson

Military history is composed of the events in the history of humanity that fall within the category of conflict. This may range from a melee between two tribes to conflicts between proper militaries to a world war affecting the majority of the human population. Military historians record (in writing or otherwise) the events of military history.

Is The Channel Tunnel The Greatest Engineering Feat Of All Time?

The Channel Tunnel is the longest undersea tunnel in the world. It is a 50.5 kilometer railway tunnel of which 38 kilometers is underwater. The tunnel connects Folkestone in the United Kingdom to Coquelles in northern France. It is located an average of 40 meters below sea level and passes beneath the English channel at the Strait of Dover. The trains provide faster transport of passengers and vehicles across a direct underwater route. Passenger carts traveling at speeds around 160 kilometers/hour result in an estimated twenty minute travel duration (Groupe Eurotunnel, 2011). The Channel tunnel is one of the greatest engineering feats of all time.

September 22, 2011

about technology

Some of us think technology is good or something new. In fact, if we read the history, technology has a very long-lived and is a contemporary phenomenon. Every era has its own technology. 

In entering the Era of Industrialization, the achievement is determined by the mastery of technology because technology is the engine of growth through the industry. Therefore, it is appropriate if we reflect on issues of technology, the inventory we have, figure out what we want to accomplish and how to obtain the technology that we need it, and observe how much impact on the transformation of our culture.

History of Technology
Technological developments in evolutionary progress. Since the days of Ancient Rome thinking and results-oriented culture has been visible to the field of technology.